Les dons de DiCOmo

Les dons de DiCOmo

L’une des principales sources de financement des associations et des organisations à but non lucratif sont, généralement, les dons faits par des particuliers ou des entreprises commerciales. DiCOmo, qui a toujours été à l’écoute des besoins des plus démunis, a décidé d’apporter sa contribution tant au niveau local que national.

En effet, au cours de la dernière année, DiCOmo a soutenu des organisations locales telles que le jardin d’enfants de la Piazza S. Stefano et le jardin d’enfants Davide Bernasconi de Cernobbio (CO), la municipalité de Cernobbio (pour l’urgence des inondations du 27 / 07/2021), l’Eracle Sport Football Club SSD RL à San Fermo della Battaglia (CO) et l’association sportive de gymnastique amateur Marila de Côme.

L’engagement de DiCOmo en faveur de ces petites entreprises locales démontre à quel point l’entreprise est soucieuse de contribuer activement à la croissance du territoire auquel elle appartient sur les plans sociaux, culturels et sportifs.

Furthermore, at a national level, DiCOmo has decided to donate to the Europa Uomo Italia Onlus association, a free association of citizens partly made up of patients with prostate cancer: a reality that is still little known, but which, unfortunately, has personally affected the DiCOmo Company.

Finally, for Christmas gifts to customers and employees, DiCOmo made donations to LILT (Italian League for the Fight against Cancer), to the Maria Letizia Verga Committee (for the study and treatment of child leukemia) and to the AIRC (Italian Association for Cancer Research).

DiCOmo’s commitment in the social field, therefore, is not limited to the help and research of increasingly sustainable products, but also making its own contribution to cultural and sports projects, donating to research for cancer and leukemia, alongside the fight against these evils which, thanks to the research itself, are becoming easier to diagnose and less and less incurable.